This is our story.
Like many Americans, We Are Up’s founder Mary Keehn experienced the unexpected privilege of serving as an intergenerational caregiver for her family, supporting both her mother in aging with dignity and also serving as the guardian for her teenage granddaughter, Jayden, who has autism.
Supporting her family, Mary found that people with disabilities and seniors are too often siloed with limited options to live in a vibrant and integrated community. We Are Up sprouts from a passionate belief that we deserve better supportive models for ourselves, our loved ones, and our communities.
Integrated housing with 70 mixed-income rental homes for diverse residents, including people with intellectual disabilities, seniors, students, and healthcare professionals. In our model, residents bring with them the care they need to thrive.
Agricultural and open spaces with over 80% of the site remaining open land or dedicated to farming and ecological preservation. Plans include an apple orchard, commercial greenhouse, livestock, edible landscaping, and environmental education.
Gathering and enrichment with classes, services, and events that use our grounds and Community Center. In an on-site commercial kitchen, we will prepare community meals, develop salable products, and teach employment and life skills.